Mairie de Blangy-le-Château - Normandie - Pays d'Auge
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The Vennelle (The passage/alley)


In preparation for the American Film Festival in Deauville, after the movie “The Visitors”, here is a synopsis for the movie “visitors in Normandy.”
Dames and knights, Sir Favril important Alderman of Blangy, summoned  me to work on the writing case, to tell the story that brings us together on this day of joy and gladness.
You see us here standing 5 or 6 abreast in the year 2013 walking in the alley of the castle. The people of Lyon would have called it Traboule, trans ambular, pass through, since effectivly this time tunnel passes through a house to provide a shortcut for pedestrians. This ancient term venelle, mainly used in Normandy, is derived from the word vein. It allows pedestrian traffic from our main shopping street to the Castle, where the heart of our past beats. The drivers have lost the use to park their teams.
Just like Rome, Blangy developed on a site with seven hills, which form a natural barrier.

Business in the Middle Age

In the Middle Ages, with more than 3000 inhabitants, Blangy held a very important market. It is in this spirit of dynamic  commercial businesses that the town acquired the house at 22 High Street. This allowed the creation of a walkway to the courtyard of the castle where everyone could park their carriage, save for a few steps to better spend his money, good hard cash.
Never fear, as in the alley the ground lights like candles scaring robbers who dare come and summon your money or threaten your life. Let them beware, for at the edge of the Little Forest, there is a locality called the Gallows. This was where Baron Blangy Magistrate High Justice executed criminals and offenders of all kinds.

The Archbishop of Rouen’s carriage used to park here when he came to the village to visit the monks of Bec (living in Blangy since the eleventh century). He appreciated siminiaus, small brie and brioche bread, made with the finest of wheat. Still bearing the name of “bread of the Archbishop”, siminiaus breads were shipped to Rouen and Le Havre and even served up on the royal tables.
Our current baker has resumed production of this specialty of Blangy as it is part of Blangy’s culinary heritage. Any enhancement of our heritage is an asset to our village and draws the admiration of visitors.
Up until now the castle was not stressed enough. This new alley, with its lights, will restore it to its rightful place and tourism will bring to Blangy potential prosperity as it knew it in the Middle Ages in a time of peace.


In the twentieth century the British were no longer viewed as invaders, but as signs of liberation! The English are now our most anticipated and beloved visitors!